8 Tips to Navigate the Holidays While Avoiding Temptation

Dec 12, 2024

8 Tips to Navigate the Holidays While Avoiding Temptation

8 Tips to Navigate the Holidays While Avoiding Temptation

The holidays are a magical season of joy and celebrations filled with temptations like holiday sweets, dinners, and free-flowing alcohol. The season is also filled with stress. The more stress you feel, the higher your chances are of giving in to temptations.

If you face any of these challenges, Sirisat Khalsa, MD, at Clarity Medical Group can help. She supports you with advice and care that sustains your well-being.

You may also be surprised to learn about an unexpected way that her medical care makes it easier to navigate the holidays for those concerned about weight loss or an addiction. (Hint: See the first tip.)

Tip 1: Explore medical support

If your weight is a concern or you’re dealing with an addiction, GLP-1 medications like semaglutide can help you resist holiday temptations. Semaglutide is well-known as a weight-loss medication. In that role, it can prevent overeating during the holidays by reducing your appetite and lowering the amount of food needed to feel full.

Semaglutide also reduces the cravings that drive an addiction and tempt you to indulge or relapse during the holidays. Semaglutide regulates the brain’s reward response to addictive substances. As a result, your cravings and desire for alcohol or drugs diminish.

Tip 2: Be prepared to say no

Saying no ranges from being prepared to turn down an invitation to rejecting food when pressed to eat more by a well-meaning friend or family member.

Think through the different scenarios you’ve faced in the past or anticipate this season. Then, come up with a few replies and practice saying them to cement them in your memory.

You don’t need to explain, but a straight-up “no” without one often creates stress for you or the other person. Simple explanations for passing on an event include statements like: “I need to check my calendar,” “I already have plans,” or “I’m waiting to hear about my mother’s/partner’s/whoever’s plans before committing.”

Tip 3: Manage stress

Here are three ways to keep stress down during the holidays:

Stay organized

Keep lists for each responsibility, and use calendars. Many people rely on digital calendars, but it may help to put a visible calendar on the wall, especially if you’re coordinating numerous family activities.

Prioritize self-care

You need time to refresh your spirit and refuel your energy. Setting aside time to relax and eat well are crucial. The holidays aren’t the time to diet, but choosing healthy foods throughout the season supports your health and makes it easier to enjoy an occasional splurge.  

Practice gratitude and mindfulness

Even if you don’t keep a journal, this is a good time to write about what you’re thankful for as well as the memorable highlights of the season.

Tip 4: Keep exercising

You may be too busy to keep up with a rigorous exercise schedule, but don’t stop exercising entirely. You only need to find time for a daily walk to gain the benefits. Exercise improves your mood, relieves stress, and restores energy. It also offsets the extra calories you consume throughout the holidays.

Tip 5: Eat before the event

Going to a holiday party while hungry is the best way to over-indulge. If you’re going out for dinner, eat a light, healthy snack before leaving home; have a full meal if your event includes sweets and hors d’oeuvres but not dinner.

Tip 6: Hold a nonalcoholic drink

Whether at a cocktail party or cocktail hour before dinner, carry a nonalcoholic drink in your hand. You’re less likely to drink too much, and your host won’t keep offering drinks if you have one with you.

Tip 7: Plan what to eat

It’s hard to resist the temptation of a fabulous holiday spread. Thinking about what you’ll eat before facing temptation helps you stick with your goals. You don’t need to know the menu; create a simple plan to follow. For example, envision small portions filled with the healthiest possible choices from the menu.

Tip 8: Identify your boundaries

You look forward to visiting family and friends, but you know that you must limit your time with them to avoid stress. Or you know that certain topics are guaranteed to cause disagreement or an all-out fight.

Maintain your well-being by identifying and sticking with your boundaries. How you do that depends on the situation and whether the event involves co-workers, friends, or family.

With friends and family, you may talk with them before the event and agree to limit the time or topics. Be prepared to fend off unwanted questions and advice. With co-workers, you may need to plan a gracious way to leave early.

Reach out for holiday support

Call Clarity Medical Group or request an appointment online if you need support during the holidays for addiction recovery or anxiety management.